Research Articles
The mathematical ideas leading to deltaBEM have have been
under development for a number of years and are still the
object of ongoing research. The paper
Domínguez, Víctor; Lu, Sijiang L.; Sayas,
Francisco-Javier. A Nyström flavored Calderón
calculus of order three for two dimensional waves,
time-harmonic and transient. Comput. Math. Appl.
67 (2014), no. 1, 217–236.
contains the main elements of deltaBEM applied to the
Helmholtz equation. Some theoretical arguments justifying
the methods are given in this paper. An older version of the
discrete calculus, of order two only, is given in
Domínguez, Víctor; Lu, Sijiang; Sayas, Francisco-Javier.
A fully discrete Calderón calculus for two
dimensional time harmonic waves. Int. J. Numer.
Anal. Model. 11 (2014), no. 2, 332–345.
The extension to time harmonic linear elasticity is
addressed in
Victor; Sanchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh; Sayas,
Francisco-Javier. A fully discrete Calderon
Calculus for the two-dimensional elastic wave
equation. Comput. Math. Appl. 69 (2015) 620-635
A comprehensive introduction to the algorithmic aspects of
Convolution Quadrature (both the linear multistep and
Runge-Kutta cases) is given in
Hassell,Matthew; Sayas, Francisco-Javier.
Convolution Quadrature for Wave Simulations. (To
appear in SEMA-SIMAI Springer Series.)
For more theoretical results, consult the references in the
previous papers, and wait for a full forthcoming analysis of
the entire collection of discrete operators. Preprints of the published
papers linked above can be downloaded from arXiv.